
Control Your Factory's Performance and Profitability

At Rain Engineering, we build better manufacturing systems and teach people how to benefit from using them, because people deserve to do better.

Rain Engineering provides software and technology integrations for manufacturers who want to move their factory towards Industry 4.0. We aim to provide high-quality integration services that connect physical technology with software platforms, so data is available in real time and housed in one location. The goal is to enable manufacturers to:

  • Move products through their plants faster and be more flexible with fluctuations in supply and demand
  • Improve quality and reduce losses by utilizing predictive maintenance to prevent equipment failure
  • Schedule and deliver on time by quickly communicating the right information to frontline workers

We are trained on state-of-the-art equipment and technology, and we take pride in our well-experienced, qualified, and enthusiastic integration team. We deliver services of the highest quality standards through our holistic approach to addressing client needs. We focus on finding the root cause of problems and aligning with big-picture company goals, often solving problems the client didn’t realize they had.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to ‘Do Better’ by developing our people and our customers. Through our software projects, we bring workers closer to their work, slashing wasted time and effort, and making great work easier. We’re here to build a future where every task is an opportunity for improvement—for us, for our customers, and for every worker involved.

Our Key Characteristics

We are profit-minded. – When we are profitable, we can do more for our employees, customers, and community.

We are intelligent communicators. – When we communicate clearly, we are more easily able to help people do better.

We are problem solvers. – We don’t believe in doing things the way they have always been done. 

We are self-aware and conscious of our impact on our customers and our own success.

Our Critical Actions

In order to be effectively accomplish our mission, each day we try to take these actions:

  • We share what we know with each other and our customers
  • We are always learning
  • We worked to improve how we do things
  • We care about each other and our customers

At Rain Engineering, we build better manufacturing systems and teach people how to benefit from using them, because people deserve to do better.