
Plant Apps Pro Tip 109

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Plant Apps Pro Tip 109

Many of the inefficiencies throughout a company can be addressed by a simple change in data entry methods.

Digitize All Manual Data Now

You own Proficy Plant Applications. Most likely, your company also owns stacks of paper forms for routine checks and other data collection.

Here is the good, bad and ugly about this situation.

The Bad: most companies are stuck in the bygone age of paper forms and spreadsheets of the 20th century.

The Ugly: paper and Excel spreadsheets delay insights and have higher risks of tasks not getting completed.

The Good: you can easily merge manual data in with automated data using a task-oriented web interface.

  • The Activity interface is a task-driven data entry tool available within the modern interface.
  • Quickly replace paper forms currently in place.
  • Schedule tasks for periodic routine checks.
  • Orchestrate tasks for completed events.
  • Combine with automated data from machines.

What it means for you

Several challenges you face daily will be solved with a better data management plan.

People in every department are missing out on valuable information trapped within the dead-ends of outdated paper trails. Paper data is delayed by hours, shifts or days; this greatly limits access to time-sensitive insights. Further compounding the issue are the inherent flaws of tasks being skipped and data written incorrectly.

Quite simply, many of the challenges with time and money losses can solved with better entry methods.

Centralized data systems are a critical component for any healthy process to be its best. Every company is encouraged to explore and determine how this simple transformation can start to take place today.

What's next?

Be the one to get it started.

The path to digitized manual data is cheap and affordable with your Plant Applications system.

The Activity interface was developed specifically to optimize the process of manual data entry. It is a key tool that comes standard with Proficy Plant Applications. It is designed to drive compliance, reduce errors, and unite disparate data systems.

Contact us to learn how others have transformed their manual data systems to reduce burdens and increase insights.

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Chris Carlins

Plant Apps Pro

This Pro Tip was prepared for you by Chris Carlins. We hope you like it.

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