
Speed up the time it takes to prepare your plant for IoT by knowing your equipment

Don’t spend weeks going back and forth getting incomplete information from your machine builders or control vendors.

Make one call to have all the information you need and start focusing on your strategy.

3 Steps to simplify your life

your Diagnostic

the Field Study

An Automation Diagnostic for connectivity will tell you:

  • What options you have to connect your asset (ethernet, expansion hardware, upgrade, IoT appliance, etc.)

  • How the asset will best connect to software systems (MTConnect, OPCUA, OPCDA, IoT Hub, etc.)

  • Connection status and IP address (if connected to a network)

  • Connectivity Recommendations:  

You’ll get recommendations for which types of applications you’ll get the most benefit from considering the information currently available from your equipment. You’ll be informed about what additional data could be attained with some programming or the addition of sensors, and you will have a solid understanding of the level of effort and related costs.

Added benefits of an Automation Diagnostic:

You will receive:

  • a BOM listing the high value components in your panel, including indications of obsolescence risk.
  • a summary of maintenance risks if things appear out of order in your panel.
  • a budgetary estimation of modernization cost for any obsolete components.

With all this information, you will have a better understanding of your downtime risk and how to reduce the chances of getting those late night and weekend calls for help.